The Talking Dog

October 3, 2004, Back to school worries

From our visit to People's Daily this week, we give you this account of 5 million children returning to school in Iraq. Parents are justifiably worried about the security situation, which delayed the opening of schools for a time, as did waiting for new text books that purged reference to the Saddam/Baathist regime to arrive from their printers in Jordan and the UAE.

Well, this will be a huge test for the new interim government, and its American allies. I fear that we will see schools routinely targeted by Saudi nihilists... I mean, "Insurgents", and many (more) children will become casualties.

Still, anything reflective of "life going on" in Iraq should be construed as a good thing. Let's just hope it does.


What are the chances of CBS covering the reopening of schools in Iraq? ok, ok, just asking.

Posted by kjo at October 3, 2004 5:52 PM

Talking Dog? Ha Ha Ha!!
I like mine with pork fried rice
And blond hooker
Ha Ha Ha!!

Posted by kim jong-illin at October 3, 2004 10:20 PM

I hope these kids' dress code includes flak jackets. I know if I were a parent there I'd be manning a post around my kid's school instead of a pipeline terminal or oil ministry.

Untill those children got blasted last week I would have thought the insurgents would have shown a school the same deference they do to mosques, but now I'm not so sure.

Posted by Mark Adams at October 4, 2004 8:15 AM