The Talking Dog

October 14, 2004, Butterfly Black Box

In a comment below, reader Sarah asks whay sort of October surprise/dirty trick Karl Rove has up his sleeve now that the debates are over. Well, as usual, Palm Beach County tells us pretty much all we need to know: Florida's electronic voting machines just don't work under conditions of heat or humidity (or frequently, at all). Got that? A state famous for its heat and humidity has installed a balloting system that malfunctions... under conditions of heat and humidity.

After 2000, many Americans lost confidence in our electoral system. Let's just say, a lot of indications like this are that they ain't seen nothin' yet.


Voter suppression is the other big thing. There are stories from everywhere. It's blatant. I ran across some scam artists just yesterday -- they were asking people to sign voter reg forms with the party label blank.

So Nov. 3 starts the second act.

Posted by Zizka at October 14, 2004 5:17 PM

I too wonder about the October Surprise. Surely voting machine problems can't be it. Those have been going on since the primaries. The voting irregularities won't come home to roost until November. The October Surprise must be something else. In my state of WV someone has been leaving answering machine messages advising voters to use absentee ballots which may not be valid. I have also seen leaflets distributed in poor neighborhoods advising voters that Election day is Nov.4

Posted by irisclara at October 14, 2004 6:02 PM

Well, there's plenty of precedent: just look up Tricky Dick's playbook, and you'll pretty much see the Bush-Cheney blueprint (Cheney even served in Tricky Dick's government-- the original TD!) Its all there- voter suppression, fraud, turning people away at the polls, maybe some inner city rioting... This year, we may get a terror scare or two as well.

Posted by the talking dog at October 14, 2004 6:16 PM

To borrow an old saying from the entertainment business: "You ain't seen nothing yet!" I thought a terror threat would have been the most likely, but remember the fiery response from the American peeps when such a "concern" was issued from Ole' Blue Ridge's office. No, if its to be a surprise, well then, it will have to be a good one.
On that note, one great suprise was seeing TEAM AMERICA last Saturday! What a riot! While the film is no doubt an equal-opportunity offender, it nevertheless exposes just how divided our country really is. Alas, I highly recommend it, puppet sex and all! A favorable review is posted at aintitcoolnews:

Posted by Zack Salinger at October 14, 2004 7:57 PM

I ran across some scam artists just yesterday -- they were asking people to sign voter reg forms with the party label blank.

What difference would it make if the party label was left blank? I don't believe it's required, at least not when one registers in my state. Regardless, voters can vote for whoever they want when they get into the booth or send in their absentee ballots. So I don't see the angle there.

Posted by Lawrence at October 14, 2004 11:18 PM

TD, sometimes I don't read what you write. I just scroll down to make comment. Ha Ha Ha!!

Posted by Kim Jong-Illin at October 15, 2004 12:37 AM

Almost forget. I get satellite TV from your country. 24/7. From his commercials, I see why you like Chuck Schumer. He is a lovable dork.

Posted by Kim Jong-Illin at October 15, 2004 12:39 AM

Oops. Almost forgot. Ha Ha Ha!!

Posted by Kim Jong-Illin at October 15, 2004 12:40 AM