The Talking Dog

April 6, 2005, The Doctrine of Preemption Begins At Home

Legislators in Florida are hell-bent on passing legislation that would radically reduce possible criminal liability for those who decide to invoke violent deadly force merely because they feel threatened.

The prior rule would allow a presumption of deadly force in the home (damned Jehovah's Witnesses!... oh wait... IN the home...) This will expand that to everywhere. If you cause some gun totin' maniac to "feel threatened", he (it will always be a he) may blow your ass away, without fear of prosecution.

Home is evidently where your Glock is. As if there weren't enough reasons never to set foot in that psycho-ward masquerading as an American state... another one comes out of Florida. OK: I'm convinced. Colombia? Check. Iraq? Check. Florida...


I do wish the icecap would melt faster, raise the sealevel faster... Florida won't be a problem.

Posted by Thomas Ware at April 6, 2005 1:29 PM

An angry and older Elian Gonzalez will one day return to the States to exact revenge upon his kidnappers, and then you will be sorry you wrote this.

Posted by Ya Know Miranda at April 6, 2005 5:27 PM

Come on down, Bitch.

Posted by Mickey Blue Eyes Schiavo at April 6, 2005 8:19 PM

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Posted by Imitrex at October 28, 2005 2:20 AM