The Talking Dog

March 17, 2006, Blarney

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we'll honor this most un-blarney-like exegesis of recent ersatz intelligence releases by the Bush Administration offered by Barbara O'Brian (it's all thematic) of the O'Maha Blog.

You see, with his approval ratings sinking deeper than the Lower Ninth Ward led by an ever more unpopular Iraq War taking him down faster than Dick Cheney with a shotgun, the President and the team must go back in time, and now show us just why the current intractable situation was fully justified from the beginning. They do this by providing misleading "intelligence", essentially juxtaposing various sources to create the still unsupported impression that Saddam Hussein was joined at the hip to Al Qaeda. 9-11 9-11 9-11. Strong leader. WAR President. You see? Don't you have that warm fuzzy feeling already?

Barbara de-bunks this bunk nicely. Those of you who can read Arabic may enjoy this immensely, as a number of the sources offered are in untranslated Arabic... most likely, we're talking rather mundane writings... like Saddam's dry-cleaning tickets or something... If you can read Arabic and you find anything there, please let me know... and I'll pass it on...

Erin go maha bragh...
