The Talking Dog

March 22, 2007, Judgment to Rush

The Governator, in response to Rush Limbaugh's decrying him for being all liberal and s***, responds by calling the Right Wing's greatest mouthpiece "irrelevant".

I have said before that the Democrats can consider themselves fortunate indeed that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, that man of initiatives on universal health care, global warming, and other things that the Democrats in Congress should be leading the way on... is ineligible to run for President. It would seem that now the (other) Republicans can consider themselves fortunate in that as well.

It would seem that we have another Republican California Governor of true national stature... a visionary... only this time, with a vision of an America worth living in for people with less than $100,000,000 in net worth.


He didn't always have such vision. It seems that losing his special election taught him enough humility that he'd actually start listening to the people of California...

Posted by Andrew Cory at March 22, 2007 1:32 PM

Well, rumor has it that Arnold will be switching parties and standing as the National Bocialist candidate. He's got wonderful plans for Venice Beach. Like what? Well, for a start he wants to annex Poland.

Posted by Balbert Spear at March 22, 2007 10:18 PM


Illiegal Immigrants Require 6 Arrests to Warrant Federal Prosecution in Texas, Memo Says

Posted by QWSS at March 23, 2007 4:20 PM

Ain't nothin' east of The Rockies we need.

And qwss, what the hell does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Posted by Thomas Ware at March 23, 2007 6:00 PM