The Talking Dog

April 18, 2008, Why does the National War College Hate our Troops?

There is no other conclusion one can draw from a study prepared by the National War College, what this McClatchy news service report calls the Pentagon's premier military institute. That report goes on to insist that our nation's glorious and totally successful engagement in Iraq (Central Front In The War On Terror [TM]) is somehow "a major debacle" with the "outcome in doubt."

Somehow, the report notes the over 4,000 deaths of American (and allied foreign-- but mostly American) troops, tens of thousands wounded, nearly 100,000 confirmed dead Iraqis, over $450 billion in cost to date and counting... and says all this like the continuation of the war indefinitely (as the President "suspends troops reductions") is a bad thing.

I mean, the Bush Administration got reelected didn't it? It's not as if Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer (and John Kerry and John Edwards) stood in front of Ground Zero with a few dozen of "the families" and said that the President could start a war against a country that didn't attack us on 9-11 over their dead bodies, and that they would filibuster or do what was necessary to stop it, now did they? Of course, why would they do such a thing, because everyone knew from day one that the war would be a smashing and total success, because Saddam had WMDs and rape rooms and tried to kill the President's Dad and sponsored al Qaeda and all that other stuff that was unquestionably true and obvious to everyone.

Which is why it is so shocking to see that what I had thought of as a respected patriotic and warmongering institution like the National War College has evidently gone over to the side of the terrorists (like Move-On.Org and the vast majority of the American people) in thinking that the Iraq war is anything other than a raging, throbbing success.

Fortunately, thanks to (once again) the able assistance of Senator Clinton, it seems that the only relevant victory-- that of the Republicans in November in a presidential year-- seems a strong likelihood-- hardly "in doubt" at all.