The Talking Dog

December 27, 2016, As if 2016 could get worse

Rest in peace, Carrie Fisher. Fisher, the iconic Princess Leia of the Star Wars franchise, and a few other roles, passed away at age 60 after suffering a heart attack during a transatlantic flight.

It's been an unusually tough year for icons, with the losses of Prince, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Muhammad Ali, Gene Wilder, Leonard Cohen, Oscar Brand, Glenn Frey... and recently, even George Michael, among many others.

I've had my own losses as well (piling on the loss of my own Dad, last year) And, of course, we have all observed the loss of any remaining sense of civic order in the English speaking world, as the respective electorates of both the United Kingdom (voting to leave the EU) and the United States (voting to leave the civilized world) seem intent on cutting their own throats in order to vent their spleens.

And... 2017 presents... very little to look forward to. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.